Monday, May 23, 2016


I am a one woman balancing act.

 I attempt to balance mind, body and spirit as well as masculine and feminine.  I am all about my inner warrior! my inner Valkyrie, flying down from Valhalla to sort out any messy, situations I may encounter. Just recently, I really bonded with my Queen of Swords; embracing the strong female side of me. In actuality, I have always felt a stronger pull toward my masculine energies, mostly my King of Cups side. I am the wooer, the doer; taking change through love and sensitivity. There is something so accepting in the masculine. Like one is already set in their ways- knowing they have the potential to grow but also a sense of stubbornness- even in the cups suit. I always felt the Kings were the master of their class- they know how to rule their element and they do it well. I felt as though I came from a place in my life where I always had to show my mastery, to be the decision maker and to pull myself up by my bootstraps. It took a long time to realize that there is a whole other kind of energy to tap into: The Sacred Feminine.

The strength of the Sacred Feminine and skill of a woman always fell by the wayside. The masculine part of me always trying to control a situation and being extremely sensitive about it. When I finally found my inner Queen, I was empowered. I found the perfect fit for my mostly feminine King and it was a mostly masculine Queen.

Why couldn't I separate masculine and feminine in a more clear, concise, manner? It is just not as simple as that...

For me, it was a natural part of my makeup to take something and completely flip it on it's head. Everyone needs to find their own balancing act and what works for them. No permission required! I've always been a more masculine female- taking charge in projects and solving problems. More over, I was still sensitive to others needs. When I met the Queen of Swords I became just, fair, and became less sensitive to pleasing every single person I encountered. Although this side of me still lingers- it does not hinder my judgement and what may be best for myself. I plan to discover all of my court cards within me and learn to balance them appropriately.

It's time you find your balance, your inner Masculine and Feminine and introduce them to each other. Have them work together for awhile! Doing this will allow you to open new doors to who you are and your potential!    

Picture found:

Sunday, May 8, 2016

April Card: Mother of Cups

Emotions. The best and worst thing to happen to the human condition.

The Mother of Cups is depicted as a swan- strong and protective. A graceful, proud bird that is intuitive, graceful and understanding. She moves through water so fluid; like water itself. She is encompassed with emotion and warm-fuzzies. To be completely honest- throughout the month of February and March I felt nothing like the Mother of Cups. Boarding up my heart was pretty much my main concern and I was alright with that.

The idea of being in complete contact with cups was a distant thought but, one always makes plans and those plans are usually skewed by actual living. Do know the saying "the heart wants what the heart wants"? Well, I believe that to be completely and utterly true. No matter how closed off I assumed I was going to be- I couldn't help but be open and inviting and welcoming to those around me. The Heart Chakra was convinced about staying open, inviting and wise. And I was in control of it. I was aware of it happening and I gave myself permission to be all of those things. I was the mother of my own emotions. I received my first online, paid for, tarot reading and the timing could not have been more perfect. Such a time where I was aligned and understanding.

I have always been afraid that I would make the same mistakes over and over with my heart and that one day I will become weary because of it but, this wasn't the case. Nor has it been the case....
I was fluid- like the swan in all of her wisdom and empathy. I knew I was worthy of that and my heart was open and understood all the consequences that came along with such a choice. More than ever- I was ready.

Happy Mother's day.