Side Projects

Disclaimer: If you are to use any of my art please, please, please give credit where credit is due.
I do not mind sharing but please remember I worked hard on my Art and would like others to know where it came from!


The following project is a work in progress. I am working on a series of canvas painting to eventually create my own Tarot Deck. It is very much in the early stages but I hope to achieve the 78 cards along with my own description book for the upright and reversed meanings.

I am open to collaboration but, would prefer to do most of the work myself.

My ideas have really yet to manifest throughout the deck but I hope to incorporate bones and skulls throughout the entire deck. I am looking for fluidity and uniqueness within this realm and hope to shine a light in the darkest of places.

For more of my Art, go here!

Thank you for checking it out and enjoy!

The following are Three Major Arcana cards in the works.

 The World XXI

The Sun XIX (W.I.P)

The Moon XVIII (W.I.P)
