Monday, October 24, 2016

August and September Card: Daughter of Pentacles and The Eight of Wands


That word pretty much sums up what I have been going through in my life! First off, for all those who read my blogs I want to apologize for being so distant. These past few months have been overpowered with changes and stress and a whole bunch of wonderful, scary, new and exciting breakthroughs. Now, with that being said--

Hello, Daughter!

This card was my anthem for August. I powered through this month by going on job interviews, tons of job opportunities and lots of hard decisions that I had to make. My finances had dwindled but the opportunities were rich! In the end, the decision to choose one job over another became a trying choice but I feel as though I made the right one. Usually I have some quip or some inspirational metaphor for these types of things but I decided to get a little more personal here-- I was so lost and the cards helped me through the choice. Praying at my alter, meditating on what I had in front of me and being grateful for these opportunities that came into my life was very humbling. I felt lucky that i had the opportunity to even have a problem like that! I was experienced yet, new and I feel that this is what truly embodies the Page (or in this case The Daughter) of Pentacles.

The Eight of Wands...
Oh my Odin.

As I slid out of August and into the month of September, I was in pretty good spirits and things were looking up until...

My house became infested with termites (yikes) and I had no choice but to leave my home and live with my father. This is not something I was expecting and I was completely uprooted and defeated. This all happened on my birthday on top of it but, this was a sign. The sign of change has been coming up in the cards for a long while for me. I've gotten The Tower card almost everyday  in my daily readings and this literally shook the foundation of where I lived. I get it Mother Earth, I heard you!

In a way I felt relieved to move away and start something fresh and work on something that was my own. By no means has it been easy and many things I love have taken a back seat but I understand the purpose of it. I know the WHY and in a way; I was sort of expecting it. The Eight of Wands talks about sudden change as well and change is never easy- whether you were expecting it or not.

All I can say is that I am glad to be back in my blog game and back to doing the thing that I love.
Much, much love honey bees!!