Reading Tarot is an art and like all art, everyone who reads tarot puts their own brush stroke upon each and every card that is read. Some may use it for simple "Yes or No" questions; some use it for fortune. I, on the other hand, use it for insight. It is a stained glass window to be studied and looked through as well as intricately interpreted for each querent and myself. For every client that I have happened upon, one thing is certain: asking the right question is the hardest part. All want answers to their burning desires, their questions and a door opened to what they have interpreted as: the unknown. They long for outcome but the journey is about asking the right questions. This is where I come in.
As a reader, I try and help the seeker to find the right fitting question. It cannot be too tight, for the light of understanding will be too small to see through. Nor can it be too vast, for fear of overwhelming the client. It's has to be baby bear porridge- just right. Communication with the client is key here, because you have to know what they want to know. What do they seek? Then you have to explain your style and if it is anything like mine, then, you have to explain why their "Yes or No" question may be too narrow for your skills. I help them with this. I give examples and then I see it click. The clicking part is one of my favorite parts- like so much more has opened for them.
These are the examples I give them:
1. What do I need to focus on right now?
2. what are the energies that are surrounding my relationship/career/spirit?
3. What areas of my life am I neglecting at the moment?
4. What talents am I not using in X situation?
5. How can I utilize my shadow side in my current situation?
6. What may be shifting in my life right now that I may be missing?
7. What lessons does this situation want me to learn?
8. What is my strength in X situation?
9. Insight on X problem?
10. How can I connect to my higher self for guidance?
I usually give this list or name a few off of this list with the clients situation in mind. This helps me tailor to the clients needs and narrow down what the client is looking for. Sometimes it's just reassurance, sometimes it's tough love. The question is the kindling for the spark that tarot has to offer. By choosing wisely, you can allow the flame to grow and spread as you read the cards.
I would take these questions as a base. Pick ones that inspire questions and word them to your liking! Use them to discover new things about oneself- you never know what you may find. XOX