March was an extremely personal month for me. Things were quite shaky and I was running through a process of feeling exposed, emotional, and raw. Having this spread in front of me- I looked at my options: I could rely on my relationships and get completely sucked into this small, little, hidden world or I could break out and understand where it all was coming from.
There is nothing wrong with relying on others but time is the essence of where healing comes from. Everyone is guilty of burying themselves in something to hide a wound or to avoid a healing process. It will always get worse before it gets better. Don't let the wound fester and infect your life and habits. Dig up emotions, plant a new seed, and allow that to grow out of the deep cut that was left there. It's not fucking easy in the least; it never is. Be aware of the lines being crossed for yourself from healing into co-dependency.Don't allow the Queen of Pentacles to protect something that needs to be exposed; allow it to collect oxygen and heal itself in the light of day. You are worth it. XOX