My, it has been one crazy month so far; full of creating and brainstorming and LOTS of research. I am so excited to announce that I have so much more to come for you all!
Also, my Etsy store is up and running with THREE (that's right, count 'em) THREE ITEMS OF PURCHASE! You can click on the button that says "Etsy" at the top of my blog for more information, doll!
I am currently working on several projects to be offered as well as lots and lots of juicy (free) content and, last but not least: My About Me SECTION! ...finally.
Needless to say, it is hard work. I cherish every day I get to do it, though.
Although, it doesn't always seem that way. Things can get bleak after awhile. Always wondering if I will be able to conquer my fears and rise up to the challenge. I have never wanted something so badly and I've never stayed focused on something for so long. Now- why is this? I have had so many passions over the years that have been smothered one way or another. By myself or a close family member or friend; whether it be malicious or no- there seemed to always be a reason in the way. This made me feel bad....
I mean REALLY bad and it still does. I didn't know why people expected so little of me when I knew I had the potential to be big, big, BIG!
It was easier (and still is) to tell someone to be safe. Take the safe route, there is less of a chance of failure. I mean, if you take the 9-5 job, what's really so bad about that, right? Steady income, benefits, steady hours and boring. Hey, if a 9-5 is for you, HAVE at it, by all means. Some people really enjoy their 9-5 job and that is amazing that they found something that is right for them but...
It's not for me. It's like trying to force a triangle peg into a circular hole- not going to work. (and did I mention - OUCH!)
Then, I heard a theory by a man named Viktor Frankel. It was a TedTalk.
(By the by: if you have never heard of TedTalks I HIGHLY recommend them. Amazing, to say the least)
I will link the video but it basically said if you hold people in a higher regard, if you believe in them, it will lift them up and you will see the person they truly are. If you judge them or assume what they are capable of before you even give them a chance, they will always be viewed as less than what they are. This has always stuck with me.
So I asked myself: Why now? Why with Tarot and spirituality and Art? Why?
Because I believe now. I believe in myself to be meant for more. I see myself and I fall in love with what I am doing each and EVERY time. So in the words of The Smiths:
If not now, when?