Sunday, December 13, 2015

Candid Interview with: Justin Minichelli

I have come to realize that a strong support system is so important in any field one tries to pursue. Justin, who is a very good friend of mine agreed to an interview with me. I was very much honored and excited because our journey on this spiritual path is very similar. I could not wait to sit down and pick his brain on this journey he was just beginning.

We are here with the up and coming Justin Minichelli! So, jumping right in here: Define Life Coaching and Shamanism and what it is to you. 

Justin: Hey there! Alright well, as far as the aspect of life coaching, I am brand new! I just received my certificate and I'm going to be accepting clients soon as well as a blog and a website. As far as Shamanism, I still consider myself a student. I suppose I look at myself as a student as both and I will always feel that way but Shamanism is still so very new to me. The other day I just found out that my grandmother had  aspects of Shamanism in her life- 

Oh, how cool is that! It's meant to be!

Justin: I know! It's just unfortunate because she passed away a few years ago so we weren't able to share our experiences but maybe there is a way to find answers. 

Well, yeah, it must run in the family somehow or maybe she is speaking to you by you starting your journey in shamanism, specifically. 

Justin: That is a strong possibility. She also did Tarot as well. I just found that out yesterday.

Really? Interesting! That's awesome!

So, tell me a bit about your journey. Obviously it is still so new to you and you came upon it through happenstance. 

Justin: Yes, I found it all on my own. For a long time I didn't know what I wanted to do. I was so interested in many different aspects. I wanted to do art, when I was a child I wanted to be a scientist, but, I never really knew where I fit in. Two summers ago I went on a journey to Peru to discover who I was. I wanted to know what my purpose was and what my place was and how I can contribute. 

That is very cool. Did you discover Shamanism on this trip?

Justin: Yes, the life coaching came later. Shamanism came first. I think, in a sense I always identified with Magick. I always felt there has to be something more. Through different Podcasts and Websites, I found something called Ayahuasca. It is an ancient ceremony that has been taking place for hundreds of years in South America. People go there to take on their own journeys- to find themselves or to heal themselves or to speak to their ancestors- it is range of many different things. For me, I wanted to uncover my identity; who I was and the beauty of that. I've always had a hard time with that.

Yes, self-love, man! Everyone should be on that journey or trying to get on that!

Justin: Absolutely! 

Tell me what is next for you. Are you incorporating the two? Do you plan to?

Justin: You know, it is funny how I found Life Coaching. It wasn't even a thought in my mind until someone mentioned it to me. It was actually mentioned to me by three different people within the same week! When I sat down and thought about it, it really clicked. It was a sign for sure. I've always been the advice giver and helping people. It was kind of like an "Ah-ha!" mixed with a "Duh". I found a class within a week that was starting soon and I grasped the opportunity. 

It was meant to be!! 

Justin: Yes, exactly. This is just the beginning, though. Just the initial step before I branch out. I believe Shamanism is going to play a big part in that. I honestly have no idea what is in store but I know it will play it's part. 

So this transitions me into my next question! Did it really benefit you taking the life coaching class? 

Justin: Absolutely. For me, I always tried to see the best in people and going through the course helped me understand WHO a person is and helped me identify their soul and spirit. Being able to see what is beneath the surface. It really opened my eyes to that. 

Would you suggest the class to others- for those on a similar path? Do you think it would benefit others?

Justin: I think it would if you feel as though you are here to help others; even if you don't want to be a life coach. The class I took was "Coaching for transformation" located in the Open Center in New York City. It was a nine month course and you really grasp a new knowledge of yourself and others. It helps deal with obstacles in life and connections with nature and a TON of other things. You see the depth within the hardships and in turn, are able to make beneficial strides.

I know we had discussed this before but I find it interesting that it is a nine month course; kind of like a rebirth. You also mentioned that it really opened up your eyes- the first thing i thought of is that it may be helping you to open up your third eye as well. Did the course focus on intuition as well?

Justin: Intuition is a BIG part of it. One of the last few times we met together as a group, we had to work with our partners and we were suppose to turn off our brains and say whatever came to mind. To be BOLD with it and it was one of the most powerful classes we had, in my opinion. So many people came to such strong insights because of that. 

Yes, the mind is such a powerful thing. You are always going to have thoughts weave in and out but the important thing is to let them come and let them go. What might be grasped onto and what conclusions you may come to can be powerful- I can imagine. So, I know I spoke about this on my blog before and I know we had mentioned this in conversation with each other as well; having an authentic life and having an authentic business. In what ways to you incorporate life coaching and shamanism into your daily life? 

Justin: It's funny because this is something I struggled with for a long, long time. To be honest, I still do and I'm still learning but I feel its really about being yourself- down to the DNA- and it is up to the individual to bring them to life. Through finding whatever it may be, it brings out a light within and an alignment. Some people already know right off the bat what they want to be like, I want to be a baseball player or an actress!

Lucky bastards. 

Justin: I know right! Ha! With each day that follows, I try to find authenticity and how it may transition for me. It really used to be a hindrance but now I'm really listening to myself and my soul. I'm not putting up a front anymore. I'm really trying to find the buried treasure within and help others do the same. 

Yes, find the booty! (heh) 

Justin: Yep, for sure. Ha!

Are there any tools you use to bring out your authenticity? Like a mantra? 

Justin: I don't have a mantra yet! I have one that I am thinking about which is the "ho'oponopno" mantra from Hawaii. I want to read about it more though because it sounds really cool. What I use right now are my interests. I want to learn more about these things that I am attracted to and follow them one by one. You will discover new and exciting things about yourself which will lead to true authenticity. 

Yes, the journey of yourself and being who you are is what makes you authentic. That's beautiful. 

Justin: That is why I love the Lord Of The Rings movies because it's all about this "quest". So much character development and exploration and a great metaphor for life. 

Not to mention the lovely scenery and imagery that goes along with it. You just want to live there and journey with them! 

Justin: Yeah I mean, dragons and orcs suck but the rest is mystical and beautiful. I would go there in a heartbeat. 

Agreed! Ha! 
So what has been the hardest part of your journey so far? 

Justin: Looking back, it's was not being "aware". Not being aware of my potential and coming to terms with that. That was really hard because you feel so lost. It's like you're in a dark room, just trying to feel the walls on where to go. On top of that, so much is expected of you through family, friends and society- it's overwhelming to fit in. 

The pressure to feel unique and then the want to prove yourself as well. You want to be someone that will make others happy but it won't get you out of the dark. 
What would be one piece of advice who are just starting out in life coaching and/or shamanism?

Justin: Follow your excitement, follow your intuition and your gut. There is a reason why you are drawn to the subject! You may find things that you would have never thought you would find. 

What message do you want to give to your future self at this present moment? 

Justin: That's a good question. I guess it would simply be "live well" because I feel like my future self would have his shit together. Ha. I would think he would have every thing together so I would just say "keep living well". 

So, trust yourself. You never know if your future self is going to have trouble with something. We all stray from our paths once in awhile - we are all human beings after all. That kind of advice is awesome. That is the kind of thing you can look back on and say "oh yeah, I said that! "Baby me" said that! Man, I was really wise that day."  

Justin: Keep the trust and keep the faith in yourself. Absolutely. 

I really just want to give a gigantic thank you to Justin for doing this interview. Once he gets his website up I will be sure to link it within the blog and I am sure we will be working together in the future! 

Thanks to all who took the time to read all about following ones path and I hope this helps one way or another. Much love!!! <3        


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